As an affiliate of the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), Beth Israel Sisterhood offers our members ways to get involved through several opportunities. Whether it be attending our luncheons, joining a Special Events committee or sponsoring a Friday night Oneg. Only members can join the Sisterhood, so please become a member first.
See our calendar for up-to-the-minute listings, or take a deeper dive into types of events the Sisterhood hosts below.
We are planning on scheduling several luncheons at different venues around the area that will appeal to all women. If you are a new member to Congregation Beth Israel, it’s a great opportunity to meet new friends and to get involved.
Special Events
Over the course of the year, Sisterhood sponsors several holiday dinners for all synagogue members. They are great hamish community events which should not be missed. We are always looking for new volunteers to join as a committee member or to chair one of these functions.
Sponsoring a Friday Night Oneg
It is with great pleasure that Sisterhood sponsors all Onegs after Friday night services. When sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat, Members are honored by being called by the Rabbi to light the Sabbath candles, and to have an Aliyah that includes reading blessings before and after the Rabbi reads from the Torah.
Responsibilities of honored Members include removing the Torah from the Arc, undressing and redressing the Torah, and returning the Torah to the Arc after the Torah reading.
You can sponsor an Oneg in honor of a special occasion in your life or as a honor to yourself. For more information, please contact the Sisterhood president, Charlotte Mazer, on (631) 423-4101 or email charlottemazer@yahoo.com.