“At Congregation Beth Israel, 30-50 people come to an average Shabbat service, not 300 or 500, so there’s a communitarian nature that’s extraordinary. When someone is sick, we’re all concerned. When someone celebrates, we’re all applauding. Whether you’re here every week, once a month, or one week a year, we all know and care for each other.”

- Rabbi Elliott A. Kleinman

Building for the Future! 

The building that houses Congregation Beth Israel was built in 1856 and has been in continuous use since that time. We are the oldest CONGREGATION continually operating in its original synagogue building. Yet, one Hundred and sixty-six years of wear and tear on our building has taken a toll.

As we move toward a celebration of our 175th year, we are working to secure our building for the next generation of Jews who will enter its doors and take in its spirit. There are necessary and immediate needs to make this happen – from basic building maintenance to preparing the community for another 175 years.

Of equal import is the need to create an endowment to sustain this sacred historic community. The endowment will allow us to continue to employ a rabbi, hold educational programs, provide lifecycle events, and gather in our historic building.

March 2025 
28, Friday 7:30 PM Shabbat Services 
29, Saturday 9:30 AM Torah Study 

April 2025 
13, Sunday, 6:00 PM Community Seder 

25, Friday 7:30 PM Shabbat Services – Yom HaShoah Commemoration 
26, Saturday 9:30 AM Torah Study 

From religious school to Shabbat services to Sisterhood luncheons, there are many ways for your entire family to get involved in our loving community.

See Our Calendar

For six days you may perform labor, but the seventh day is a complete Sabbath - a day of rest, holy to Adonai... - Exodus 31:15-17

Learn about Shabbat:  Go to Jewish Living >

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